[lammps-users] NVT Temp not match the desired one

Dear lammps users,

     I used fix nvt command to set up the desired temperature. However,
the equilibrate temp of the system is ~350K much lower than my target
500K, and it is not a constant. Can anyone point out what's wrong in
my input file below? thanks.

Haibin Chen Ph.D.
Mechanical Engineering Dept
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, Pa, 15213

# study CnT with REBO potential
# This input file is used in serial job
# 03/19/2010

# initialization Section
units metal
atom_style atomic
pair_style airebo 3.0 1 1

boundary f f p

read_data ${datafile}
pair_coeff * * /home/haibin/lammps/lammps-8Feb10/potentials/CH.airebo C

neighbor 2.0 bin
neigh_modify delay 5 check yes
timestep 0.0005

thermo_style custom step temp etotal pe ke
group cnt type = 1
thermo 100

#velocity cnt create 1000 87287
#fix 1 cnt nvt 1000.0 1000.0 100.0

dump 1 cnt atom 100 dump.cnt
dump 2 cnt xyz 10 dump.xyz

#minimize 1.0e-7 0.0001 10000 100000
velocity cnt create 500 87287
fix 1 cnt nvt 500.0 500.0 10.0

run 2000

Temp, TotE, output
       0 500 -1739.3394 -1754.786 15.446587
     100 386.0122 -1739.3356 -1751.2608 11.925142
     200 368.58633 -1739.3266 -1750.7134 11.386802
     300 357.97876 -1739.3276 -1750.3867 11.0591
     400 358.36626 -1739.3299 -1750.4009 11.071071
     500 286.28365 -1739.3187 -1748.1629 8.8442107
     600 336.21285 -1739.3237 -1749.7104 10.386682
     700 331.43811 -1739.3198 -1749.5589 10.239176
     800 350.27195 -1739.3236 -1750.1446 10.821013
     900 361.61857 -1739.3216 -1750.4931 11.171546
    1000 328.71831 -1739.3161 -1749.4713 10.155152

I don't think your system has equilibrated in so few timesteps.

I would try running the simulation for a longer duration and/or using a
smaller value for Tdamp.


I don't think your system has equilibrated in so few timesteps.

I would try running the simulation for a longer duration and/or using a
smaller value for Tdamp.

also setting the initial temperature to a higher value,
e.g. 800K will make it easier on the thermostat, as it
does not have to transfer so much energy into the system.


More specifically, you set the damping constant to
10 psec in metal units which is 20,000 timesteps
and you've only run for 1000 steps.
