[lammps-users] Package ATC buliding problems!

Dear lammps users!

I was trying to bulid the lammps-4Dec10 with the atc package on redhat 6.0.

I built the libatc.a successfully. When I tried to compile Lammps, I got following errors:

/kunshou/fftw/fftw_215_install/lib -o …/lmp_linux

/usr/lib/libblas.a(xerbla.o): In function `xerbla_’:

/home/kunshou/app sources/lapack-3.3.0/BLAS/SRC/xerbla.f:39: undefined reference to `_gfortran_st_write’

/home/kunshou/app sources/lapack-3.3.0/BLAS/SRC/xerbla.f:39: undefined reference to `_gfortran_string_len_trim’

/home/kunshou/app sources/lapack-3.3.0/BLAS/SRC/xerbla.f:39: undefined reference to `_gfortran_transfer_character’

/home/kunshou/app sources/lapack-3.3.0/BLAS/SRC/xerbla.f:39: undefined reference to `_gfortran_transfer_integer’


It seems that something is wrong with the blas library I was using, which confused me a lot. The atc package are written in c++ and uses

the blas, while lapack libraries are written in fortran. Or I have used the wrong version of lapack libraries( lapack-3.3.0 currently).

What I do???
