[lammps-users] pizza

Hi Steve:

I am making some positive progress, but am still stuck on something. I changed my pizza script to the following:

Try something like this, which works on my box.
You just need to create a timestep-specific filename.
And de-select all steps before you delete.


d = dump("tmp.dump",0)
while 1:
  time = d.next()
  if time == -1: break
  e = ensight(d)
  e.one("tmp." + str(time),"id","x","y","z")

Hi Steve:

Thanks. I think that there is something wrong with this line:


Which corresponds to line 13 in the dump_to_ensight_new.py through this error message:

I was only suggesting you pass a timestep-dependent
filename to e.one(). I didn't actually try it out. Looks
like you should use e.single(), not e.one().

I just noticed there is also an e.increment() option
which may do what you want. You would still
need to define d with the 2 args (2nd one 0) so
you didn't read the entire dump file up front.

E.increment() looks like it has the while loop that
reads one snapshot at a time inside it.


Hi Steve:

The E.increment command appears to work well:


It runs through all the snapshots, doesn't use much memory, etc. However, I get this error at the end, after the last timestep has been read:

wrote 123 snapshots in Ensight format
0 snapshots selected out of 1
1 snapshots deleted
0 snapshots remaining
<type 'exceptions.IndexError'> list index out of range <traceback object at 0x98ceb8>
IndexError'> with value: list index out of range
error on line 7 of file ./dump_to_ensight_new2.py
error on line 284 of file /Users/haroldpark/Desktop/lammps-17Aug07/pizza-10Aug07/src/dump.py

Which I'm not quite sure how to resolve. Here's my complete script:

This works for me. e.increment has the loop inside it


d = dump("tmp.dump",0)

while 1:
       time = d.next()
       if time == -1:break
       d.map(1,"id",3,"x", 4,"y", 5,"z", 2,"type")
       e = ensight(d)
       e.change = 1
       e.maxtype = 1