[lammps-users] Question about pair_style reax


It seems that there is a discrepancy between the manual and the code.

From error handling coded into the file 'pair_reax.cpp' :

    482 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    483 global settings
    484 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    486 void PairREAX::settings(int narg, char **arg)
    487 {
    488 if (narg != 0 && narg !=3) error->all("Illegal pair_style command");
    490 if (narg == 3) {
    491 hbcut = force->numeric(arg[0]);
    492 ihbnew = force->numeric(arg[1]);
    493 precision = force->numeric(arg[2]);
    495 if (hbcut <= 0.0 || (ihbnew != 0 && ihbnew != 1) ||
precision <= 0.0)
    496 error->all("Illegal pair_style command");
    497 }
    498 }

This is what the online documentation has for the Fortran 77 version of ReaxFF:


pair_style reax command


pair_style reax hbcut hbnewflag tripflag precision

    * hbcut = hydrogen-bond cutoff (distance units)
    * hbnewflag = use old or new hbond function style (0 or 1)
    * tripflag = apply stabilization to all triple bonds (0 or 1)
    * precision = precision for charge equilibration

In other words, it appears that the code is only accepting 3 arguments
(hbcut, ihbnew, precistion), while the manual mentions 'tripflag.'



In other words you are looking at current doc pages
that don't agree with an older version of the code you
have. Look at the doc pages you have included
in your version and see if they agree.
