[lammps-users] Question about Pizza.py tool

Hi Steve

I am trying to use ensigh.py tool written in pizza.py and convert atom snapshots in a LAMMPS dump file to the Ensight data set. (The dump file is attached.)

In pizza.py document, “If additional pairs of arguments are specified, attributes from the snapshot data (atoms or elements) can be written into Ensight variable files, and used by Ensight as display attributes for the atoms or mesh elements.”

I am trying to write the additional pairs of arguments “c_1[1], c_1[2], c_1[4]” into Ensight variable files.

I use the following script to invoke the ensight.py.

dump.crack (995 KB)

It works fine for me, with the output below. Note that
my output is saying some different when it reads the
dump file, so I'd start by trying to figure out why that
is different. You are not getting column assignments,
so that will make the ensight command fail.


Pizza.py (1 Oct 2006), a toolkit written in Python
type ? for help, CTRL-D to quit
Loading tools ...
Executing file: ./tmp.pizza
0 1000
read 2 snapshots
2 snapshots selected out of 2
assigned columns: id type x y z c_1[1] c_1[2] c_1[3] c_1[4] c_1[5] c_1[6]
dump is already unscaled
0 1000
wrote 2 snapshots in Ensight format

It works fine for me, with the output below. Note that
my output is saying some different when it reads the
dump file, so I'd start by trying to figure out why that
is different. You are not getting column assignments,
so that will make the ensight command fail.

could it be that the dump file was created with an old
version of lammps that has the old format without the
column labels?


Hi Steve and Axel
Thanks you for your answers. Now it works fine for me.
The problem lies in the older version of pizza. After I tried a new version, the ensight tool works fine. Thanks.
