[lammps-users] reax/c Restart Files


I've attached the input scripts to reproduce the error. First I run in0.script which will generate restart files. Then I grab 100.restart and run in1.script (which is the same as in0.script except for a read_restart command instead of the read_data command). This gives me a segmentation fault error.

Let me know if you need anything else.

Ben Jensen
Computational Mechanics & Materials Research Laboratory
Mechanical Engineering - Engineering Mechanics
Michigan Technological University
Houghton, MI

in0.reax (1.23 KB)

struc.data (7.88 KB)

in1.reax (1.24 KB)

ffield.reax (19.6 KB)

hi ben!


I've attached the input scripts to reproduce the error. First I run in0.script which will generate restart files. Then I grab 100.restart and run in1.script (which is the same as in0.script except for a read_restart command instead of the read_data command). This gives me a segmentation fault error.

ok. thanks. that is _perfect_!

i have been able to identify the reason for the segfault
(despite never having used reax/c before myself).

there is a simple but unelegant workaround:
just insert a

reset_timestep 0

before the run statement. there is a heuristic in pair_reax_c.cpp
that determines whether it needs to allocate memory, that doesn't
work if the initial timestep number is not 0.

i'll see if there is a simple way to fix this properly without having
to dig too deep into the internals of the code.


hi ben!


I've attached the input scripts to reproduce the error. First I run in0.script which will generate restart files. Then I grab 100.restart and run in1.script (which is the same as in0.script except for a read_restart command instead of the read_data command). This gives me a segmentation fault error.

ok. thanks. that is _perfect_!

i have been able to identify the reason for the segfault
(despite never having used reax/c before myself).

there is a simple but unelegant workaround:
just insert a

reset_timestep 0

before the run statement. there is a heuristic in pair_reax_c.cpp
that determines whether it needs to allocate memory, that doesn't
work if the initial timestep number is not 0.

ok. here is my suggestion for a change.
overall it looks a bit suspicious to have this in ::compute()
and particularly to only run the guessed allocate once and
not the reallocate throughout the run. even without knowing
much about the actual implementation, i would be expecting
this to lead to memory corruption or worse for some inputs.

diff --git a/src/USER-REAXC/pair_reax_c.cpp b/src/USER-REAXC/pair_reax_c.cpp
index 8191dbf..cc2f71c 100644
--- a/src/USER-REAXC/pair_reax_c.cpp
+++ b/src/USER-REAXC/pair_reax_c.cpp
@@ -331,7 +331,9 @@ void PairReaxC::compute(int eflag, int vflag)
   system->big_box.box_norms[2] = 0;
   if( comm->me == 0 ) t_start = MPI_Wtime();

- if( update->ntimestep == 0 ) {
+ // XXX: shouldn't initialization go into settings() or something?
+ // AK: 2010/11/15
+ if( system->my_atoms == NULL ) {
     control->vlist_cut = neighbor->cutneighmax;

     // determine the local and total capacity


I changed the restart2data tool to add support for reax/c.
I'll have Aidan work with the Reax/C developer on the
restart crash issue. I agree with Axel that the setup
code shouldn't be in compute() and it shouldn't be
assuming the timestep = 0. But I don't know
what all he is expecting to (re)initialize, so I'll let
them work it out.


I added a setup function that is only called the first time. I also added a
check for non-existent requested types. It is valgrind-clean. I committed to