[lammps-users] Reax force field


I want to use a new reax force field which is not in LAMMPS described in this paper:
Simulations on the thermal decompositions of a poly(dimethylsiloxane) polymer using the ReaxFF reactive force field, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 127, 7192-7202.
I wrote a new force field file according to the reax force field in LAMMPS,ffield.reax. But when I ran the simulation, there is an error said that “Error or end-of-file reading unit 4 on line: 49”.
Anyone know why there is such an error and how to fix it?

Thank you!


Undoubtably because you didn't format the file
correctly. You can put debug statements in pair_reax.cpp
where it reads the file and figure out where it is messing



Thank you for your reply. I searched the mail list and found that someone also met this problem before. It seems that if I want to use new parameters of reax in LAMMPS,I need to make a small modification to the LAMMPS code.But I don’t know how to do that…Can anyone who is expert in this help me?

Thank you!


Not so - if you want to create a new parameterization of ReaxFF that matches
the format of the existing potentials/ffield.reax* files, then LAMMPS
will read it, without modifying the src code. If you don't format the
file correctly, than LAMMPS may, of course, have problems
reading the file.
