[lammps-users] RTX 3080 sm architecture

Dear lammps users,

I tried building gpu acceleration for the RTX 3080. On the official website, the architecture for Ampere is sm_80. However, when I try to build a gpu package using traditional make such as make lib-gpu args="-b -m mpi -a sm_80 -p double", the error message says “invalid choice sm_80”. I tried lammps stable version of 29 Oct 2020. Can anyone help me to figure this problem out?

With my best regards

Dear lammps users,

I tried building gpu acceleration for the RTX 3080. On the official website, the architecture for Ampere is sm_80. However, when I try to build a gpu package using traditional make such as make lib-gpu args="-b -m mpi -a sm_80 -p double", the error message says “invalid choice sm_80”. I tried lammps stable version of 29 Oct 2020. Can anyone help me to figure this problem out?

You need a newer version of the LAMMPS source for that step to work with a new architecture. Please try the latest patch version 14 May 2021, for example.
