[lammps-users] Segmentation Fault

Dear all,

I have lammps on both my linux ubuntu laptop and on my university account. My ubuntu lammps (both serial and parallel) work well, whereas the same input/data files produce a segmentation error when I use lmp_serial (Dec18_2010 version) right in the beginning of the simulation.

Does anybody have suggestions as to how I could overcome this serious problem; I understand that it is an OS problem and usually difficult to solve and I do not really know from where to begin to tackle the problem?

Thank you!

Dear all,

I have lammps on both my linux ubuntu laptop and on my university
account. My ubuntu lammps (both serial and parallel) work well, whereas
the same input/data files produce a segmentation error when I use
lmp_serial (Dec18_2010 version) right in the beginning of the simulation.

Does anybody have suggestions as to how I could overcome this serious
problem; I understand that it is an OS problem and usually difficult to
solve and I do not really know from where to begin to tackle the problem?

segmentation faults can have many reasons. the first thing that you can
do, is to try and find out _where_ it happens, and whether it is due to a
bug that was already fixed since.

to find the location of the segfault, you can just run lammps with the help
of a debugger, e.g. gdb.

gdb /path/to/lmp_serial

then on the gdb prompt you type:

run -in my_input.in

and then wait for the segfault.
when this happens, you can type:


and you get a stack trace and that will indicate the location of
where the segmentation fault happens.

the alternative to this is to generate a core dump:

first type: ulimit -c unlimited

then run lmp_serial as usual. after it crashed, you should
see a file core.#####. again, you can use gdb to investigate:

gdb /path/to/lmp_serial /path/to/core.####

and then:


and you get a stack trace again, telling you the location
(function name) of the problem.

and then you double check with the current version of lammps.
