[lammps-users] update on Pizza.py tools

Hi LAMMPS users -

I just posted a Pizza.py patch that adds a lot of detail
to the installation instructions for various Python
packages that Pizza.py uses in its tools.

The updated doc pages are also available on the Pizza.py WWW site,
which is linked to from the LAMMPS WWW site.

The good news is that it seems the 2 packages that were
most problematic to install in your local Python (Tkinter and
PyOpenGL) are now much easier to get working, at least
on a Linux box. Tkinter installed cleanly in Python 2.5 for
me, and the new PyOpenGL 3.0 also installed without a hitch,
assuming Tk and Togl were already in place. This was not
the case before! The new docs have all the details.

Those 2 packages are needed for what are the Pizza.py tools
I use most often: gl and vcr - which allow you to do
quick interactive 3d viz of LAMMPS dump files. I.e. do
a LAMMPS run, type one line, and a viz window pops up.

So if difficulties with PyOpenGL stumped you before, you may
want to take a new look ...
