Dear LAMMPS’s user,
I am confused over the figures calculated by LAMMPS. I set the area of cylinder so that it creates ~13572 atoms but LAMMPS created 13170 atoms. What is wrong with codes? Here is my script and LAMMPS’s output:
script: -
atom_style granular
boundary p p fm
newton off
lattice fcc 1.145
region cyl cylinder z 0.0 0.0 6.0 0.0 30.0 units lattice
create_box 1 cyl
create_atoms 1 region cyl
fix 1 all nve/sphere
fix 2 all gravity 1.0 spherical 0.0 -180.0
fix 3 all wall/gran 200000.0 NULL 50.0 NULL 0.5 0 zplane 0.0 NULL
dump id all atom 100 dump.silo
run 25000
and output:
[ram@…436… today]$ mpirun -np 4 lmp_linux<in.silo
LAMMPS (7 Jul 2009)
Lattice spacing in x,y,z = 1.51735 1.51735 1.51735
Created orthogonal box = (-9.10408 -9.10408 0) to (9.10408 9.10408 45.5204)
1 by 1 by 4 processor grid
Created 13170 atoms
Setting up run …
Memory usage per processor = 9.81003 Mbytes
Step Atoms KinEng 1 Volume
0 13170 0 0 15091.703
Please can anybody explain about the area created by LAMMPS (bold in above) as I put the area of cylinder and but it looks as an area of box!!? And why it creates wrong number of particles?