making lammps and git version info


I’ve been trying to make lammps with an additional package of mine lately on the newest 2019 version and after installing it and typing “make mpi” as I usually did for the 2018 build I was working on for some reason the make process is getting stuck on “Gathering git version information”. Is there a particular reason for that?


I’ve been trying to make lammps with an additional package of mine lately on the newest 2019 version and after installing it and typing “make mpi” as I usually did for the 2018 build I was working on for some reason the make process is getting stuck on “Gathering git version information”. Is there a particular reason for that?

quite possibly, LAMMPS was doing something else. we noticed that the output for gathering the package information was delayed.
are you by any chance compiling on a networked file system?


Its the unix environment for a supercomputer; I got it to work by downloading straight off the lammps website + adding my files rather than uploading my local git clone + my files + dos2unix.

Adrian Diaz
Graduate Research Fellow – Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering
University of Florida

Contact – 786-863-2326