manual output

Hello to all Lammps users!

   I've got a programming question. Let's say that I modify the file:


introducing these lines:

Hello to all Lammps users!

   I've got a programming question. Let's say that I modify the file:


introducing these lines:

if (universe->me == 0) {
       std ::ofstream myfile; ("file.dat",std::ios_base::app);

       myfile << "Component: " << vector[3]<< "\n";


just after the MPI_All_Reduce in ComputeHeatFlux::compute_vector().

In my mind the output file should be indipendent of the number of processors I
use but I do not observe this. I get the same number for one and two
processors, but from three the numbers are different. Is there something wrong?

*how* different are those numbers?
