Message 'AAA HOW GET HERE' in fix_store.cpp

Dear lammps users,

I am using the latest tarball version of LAMMPS (11Aug17). I just found
this message in my output file:
AAA HOW GET HERE (times the number of processors)

This comes from the file fix_store.cpp. The message is printed because of
these lines in the input file:

compute ec all chunk/atom molecule
compute diffusion all msd/chunk ec
fix pr_msd all ave/time 100 1 100 c_diffusion[*] file msd.out mode vector

Is this a debug option that should have been removed?

Thank you very much,
Laura Scalfi

Dear lammps users,

I am using the latest tarball version of LAMMPS (11Aug17). I just found
this message in my output file:
AAA HOW GET HERE (times the number of processors)

This comes from the file fix_store.cpp. The message is printed because of
these lines in the input file:

compute ec all chunk/atom molecule
compute diffusion all msd/chunk ec
fix pr_msd all ave/time 100 1 100 c_diffusion[*] file msd.out mode vector

Is this a debug option that should have been removed?

​Looks like it. I will talk with the person that added that print statement.
for now, you can simply delete the line, recompile, and hope for the best.
