msd calculation for WATER(SPC) Model

Dear all,

I want to calculate self diffusion coefficient for water model(SPC) it has 300 water molecule.

I know that I can calculate the diffusion coefficient by using Einstein relationship with MSD.

Experiment result is 2.3 E-09 m2/s (roughly), but my result is about 1/100 of the expected result.

I ran this model 100ps in npt to get equilibrium(save as write_restart) and ran 200ps more in nvt with read_restart command.


units real


boundary p p p

Force type

atom_style full

pair_style lj/cut/coul/cut 9 9

bond_style harmonic

angle_style harmonic

Atom definition

read_data data_300W.txt

velocity all create 300 8343 dist gaussian units box

Neighbor list

neighbor 2.0 bin

neigh_modify every 10 delay 0 check yes


thermo_style custom step pe ke etotal temp press vol density

thermo 10


minimize 1.0e-5 1.0e-7 1000 100000


timestep 1

Fix molecular

fix 1 all shake 1.0e-4 10 0 b 1 a 1

Dynamic type

fix 2 all npt temp 298.15 298.15 100 iso 1 1 100

Start running

run 100000

Save the restart file

write_restart restart300W.txt


units real


boundary p p p

Force type

atom_style full

pair_style lj/cut/coul/cut 9 9

bond_style harmonic

angle_style harmonic

Atom definition

read_restart restart300W.txt

Neighbor list

neighbor 2.0 bin

neigh_modify every 10 delay 0 check yes


thermo_style custom step pe ke etotal temp press vol density

thermo 10


timestep 1

Fix molecular

fix 1 all shake 1.0e-4 10 0 b 1 a 1

Dynamic type

fix 2 all deform 1 x final 0.0 20.992339 y final 0.0 20.992339 z final 0.0 20.992339

#fix 3 all npt temp 298.15 298.15 100 iso 1 1 100

fix 3 all nvt temp 298.15 298.15 100

#fix 3 all nve


group ox type 1


compute 1 ox msd

#compute 2 all rdf 1000 1 1 # O-O

#compute 3 all rdf 1000 2 2 # O-H

#compute 4 all rdf 1000 1 2 # H-H


variable msd equal c_1[4]

variable fs equal 1*step

variable Temp equal “temp”

variable Vol equal “vol”

variable density equal “density”

Print results and make files

fix 7 all print 10 “{fs} {msd}” file screen no

Run a simulation

run 200000


Above are input file and result, MSD is too small than I expect. Can I have any suggestion ?


Why are you using ‘fix deform’ for MSD?

200 ps may be small. You could run for longer time even few ns.


Why are you using ‘fix deform’ for MSD?

200 ps may be small. You could run for longer time even few ns.

200ps is short.

Other possible problems:
You are running the simulation at constant volume. Have you equilibrated
the system at constant pressure? The system could be trapped in an
ice-like configuration or a glassy state. To do this, you will probably
need a larger system.

Generally speaking, if you have not done this already, visualize the
trajectory and see if the movement of the molecules looks normal. If you
use VMD, then there are some instructions how to do this here.

On the outside chance that you are using "compute msd" incorreclty, try
calculating MSD yourself from the trajectory created by LAMMPS. One way to
do this is to greate a group with only one oxygen atom. Then use the
"dump" command on this group to generate a trajectory for only this atom.
(And save frequently.) Then extract the coordinates of this atom over
time. One way to do that is to use: -raw < dump_file.lammpstrj | \
    awk '{if (NF==3) print $0}' > coords_vs_time.txt
And then write a for loop to compute MSD for that oxygen atom. (You will
have to run the simulation for longer to get good statistics because you
are only tracking one atom.)
