msi2lmp error


I simulate poly (3-hexylthiophene) successfully in Materials studio, but when I want to convert it to lammps by msi2lmp, I receive this error

Get parameters for this molecular system

Unable to find torsion data for sp cs cs sp

Unable to find endbonddihedral data for sp cs cs sp

Unable to find midbonddihedral data for sp cs cs sp

Unable to find angledihedral data for sp cs cs sp

Unable to find angleangledihedral data for sp cs cs sp

Unable to find torsion data for sp cs c5 c2

Unable to find endbonddihedral data for sp cs c5 c2

Unable to find midbonddihedral data for sp cs c5 c2

Unable to find angledihedral data for sp cs c5 c2

Unable to find angleangledihedral data for sp cs c5 c2

Unable to find torsion data for c5 c2 c2 c2

Unable to find endbonddihedral data for c5 c2 c2 c2

Unable to find midbonddihedral data for c5 c2 c2 c2

Unable to find angledihedral data for c5 c2 c2 c2

Unable to find angleangledihedral data for c5 c2 c2 c2

Unable to find oop data for cs cs c5 sp

Unable to find angleangle data for cs cs c5 sp

Unable to find angleangle data for cs c5 c5 hc

Unable to find angleangle data for cs c5 c5 c2

Unable to find angleangle data for c5 cs sp hc


How can I solve this error?

I don't use msi2lmp so I don't know. But it looks
like it's not finding the potential file, or that file
is incomplete and doesn't have params for your
