msi2lmp problem!?

Dear LAMMPS developers and users:

I am trying to product the LAMMPS data file using msi2lmp file. First, I created my data (PDB) using nanoengineer-1 software, then I used material studio to obtain the .car and .mdf files after calculating the energy of cvff in material studio (Modulus/Discover/Stepup, Energy and cvff then calculate). My mistake showed up when I used msi2lmp.exe. In this step, I copied the msi2lmp.ese file into my directory (windows environment), then I used the following command to export the data file:

msi2lmp.exe PVDF -class I -frc cvff > data.PVDF

Again, the two car and mdf files are in the same directory. The error is

$ msi2lmp.exe PVDF -class I -frc cvff > data.PVDF

Warning: type name overflow for 'hspc

'. Truncating to 4 characters.

Warning: type name overflow for 'htip

'. Truncating to 4 characters.

data.PVDF (474 Bytes) (12.1 KB)

PVDF.mdf (12.6 KB)

Dear LAMMPS developers and users:

I am trying to product the LAMMPS data file using msi2lmp file. First, I
created my data (PDB) using nanoengineer-1 software, then I used material
studio to obtain the .car and .mdf files after calculating the energy of
cvff in material studio (Modulus/Discover/Stepup, Energy and cvff then
calculate). My mistake showed up when I used msi2lmp.exe. In this step, I
copied the msi2lmp.ese file into my directory (windows environment), then I
used the following command to export the data file:

msi2lmp.exe PVDF -class I -frc cvff > data.PVDF

Again, the two car and mdf files are in the same directory. The error is

$ msi2lmp.exe PVDF -class I -frc cvff > data.PVDF

Warning: type name overflow for 'hspc

'. Truncating to 4 characters.

Warning: type name overflow for 'htip

'. Truncating to 4 characters.


And the output file (data.PVDF) consists this error as well

Running msi2lmp v3.9.7 / 24 Oct 2015

Forcefield: Class I

Forcefield file name: C:\Program Files\LAMMPS 64-bit

Output is recentered around geometrical center

Output contains style flag hints

System translated by: 0 0 0

Reading car file:

Reading mdf file: PVDF.mdf

Building internal coordinate lists

Reading forcefield file

Get force field parameters for this system

Unable to find oop data for h c c1 f

If you can, please let me know what is my mistake(s) in these steps.

​please check the msi2lmp documentation. the data file will *not* be
written to standard out, but to a file <ROOTNAME>.data, i.e. in
your case. so you are just redirecting what would be ​screen output to a
file of the same name. while this has nothing to do with your immediate
problem, it is wrong.

while executing, ​apparently msi2lmp seems to determine that you need to
have improper dihedrals for certain groups of atoms, but there are no
parameters for them in the cvff force field file. ​that can mean one of two
things: a) msi2lmp is wrong and you can just ignore those or b) you need a
more complete force field file and add those parameters manually.

since you have built the structure, you are in the best position to judge
what is the right way to proceed. you can tell msi2lmp to ignore missing
parameters by adding the -ignore flag, e.g. like this.

msi2lmp.exe PVDF -frc cvff -ignore

​and then, edit the resulting data file by removing the parts pertinent to


Dear Dr. Axel:

Thank you so much. It works fine, I just ignore these parameters in exporting the data file. I will write now the force filed parameters manually which easier in this simple task. Again, you continuous help is really appreciated.

Have a good day,
