(no subject)

Hello all,

I want to run some MD in LAMMPS, but always had different error. After it runs, the pressure had negative value that is illogical. How can I run the following runs with lammps?

  1. minimizing the system
  2. NPT run for 10000 step
  3. NVT run for 10000 step

The time step is 1 fs and the thermostat and barostat is Berendsen.


that’s too little info to work with. but most likely it’s a bad “computational physics” issue (like, for instance, too high density + too low temperature in a LJ system)

A negative pressure is not “illogical”, and it is just as normal as a positive pressure; it is just a matter of expanding or shrinking, not bad physics/dynamics.

What were the errors exactly? You can run these three steps using minimize and run commands plus appropriate fixes (with proper dampings). Make sure a 1 fs timestep size is appropriate.


A negative pressure is not "illogical", and it is just as normal as a
positive pressure; it is just a matter of expanding or shrinking, not bad

Indeed. Atmospheric pressure at sea level (~1 Bar) is practically
zero, so fluctuations around this value are frequently negative. For
the systems I've looked at, these fluctuations are frequently about
+/- 10^2 Bar or larger.
