(no subject)

My project is thermal conductivity in nano- ribbon graphene .I have a problem, I do not know for a nano- ribbon graphene with a length of 12nm and width of 8nm,What number should be p ? what is the numerical relationship between the length of graphene and p?
#SAMPLE lammps input script for thermal conductivity of GNR via the GK formalism

units metal
variable T equal 300
variable V equal vol
variable p equal 100 # correlation length
variable s equal 2 # sample interval
variable d equal $p*$s # dump interval
variable dt equal 0.001

convert from LAMMPS real units to SI

variable kB equal 1.3806504e-23 # [J/K] Boltzmann
variable ev2J equal 1.60217653e-19
variable A2m equal 1.0e-10
variable ps2s equal 1.0e-12
variable convert equal {ev2J}*{ev2J}/{ps2s}/{A2m}

setup problem

dimension 3
atom_style atomic
boundary p p p
read_data data.box
region box block -100 100 -50 250 -30 30 units box

mass 1 12.000
pair_style tersoff
pair_coeff * * sic.tersoff C

timestep 0.001
thermo $d

equilibration and thermalization

velocity all create $T 102486 mom yes rot yes dist gaussian

fix NVT all nvt temp $T $T 10 drag 0.2
run 8000

thermal conductivity calculation, switch to NVE if desired

unfix NVT
fix NVE all nve
reset_timestep 0

compute myKE all ke/atom
compute myPE all pe/atom
compute myStress all stress/atom virial
compute flux all heat/flux myKE myPE myStress
variable Jx equal c_flux[1]/vol
variable Jy equal c_flux[2]/vol
variable Jz equal c_flux[3]/vol
fix JJ all ave/correlate $s $p $d &
c_flux[1] c_flux[2] c_flux[3] type auto file J0Jt.dat ave running

variable scale equal {convert}/{kB}/$T/$T/$V*s*{dt}
variable k11 equal trap(f_JJ[3]){scale} variable k22 equal trap(f_JJ[4])*{scale}
variable k33 equal trap(f_JJ[5])
thermo_style custom step temp v_Jx v_Jy v_Jz v_k11 v_k22 v_k33
run 50000
variable k equal (v_k11+v_k22+v_k33)/3.0
variable ndens equal count(all)/vol
print “average conductivity: $k[W/mK] @ T k, {ndens} /A^3”

My project is thermal conductivity in nano- ribbon graphene .I have a problem, I do not know for a nano- ribbon graphene with a length of 12nm and width of 8nm,What number should be p ? what is the numerical relationship between the length of graphene and p?

There is no simple use-this-not-that answer to this question.
Please see the many previous recent discussions on the subject in the mailing list archives.

…and please refresh your statistical mechanics knowledge.


If you want to emulate Dr Frankenstein and get your monster up at running by putting the pieces provided by other people together, you better know how to stitch well. Do yourself a favor and start by behaving like the science person you are trying to become. Read and try reproducing the examples provided by others. Experiment by trial and error and learn how to move on by using the outcome of such experiments. Lastly, instead of asking “I don’t know how to do this, thus do it for me” go with “guys, I read the manual and tried this, then tried that, then switch these variables because stat mech arguments suggest this…, etc, etc”.

PS: If you are not trying to become a science person then drop this MD course you’re taking and go for some social science topic where “2+2=whatever you want” and the “language interpreter” is not going to revolt after your first spelling mistake.