Dear LAMMPS Users,
I am trying to run a very basic simulation and have encountered a problem with nvt and nve. When I apply a fix nve after an nvt the temperature of the system increases.
More specifically I am simulating a thin solid film of 32800 atoms. I have fixed the bottom most atomic layer on the z-axis (800 atoms):
fix f fixed setforce 0.0 0.0 0.0
The I use the command
fix NVT mobile nvt temp 300.00 300.00 0.04 tchain 4 tloop 50
where mobile corresponds to the atoms that have not been fixed. I then unfix nvt and apply a fix nve for 2 ns.
The problem I encounter is that the temperature rises about 10-20 K when I apply a fix nve.
Does anyone have any input or suggestions?
Thank you,