pair style hybrid overlay

Is it possible to control which pair style is calculated first using hybrid overlay? Is it in order of input, e.g. pair_style hybrid/overlay coul/wolf 0.2 9.00 morse 9.00
Where the coulombs would be calculated first and then morse second?

I realize in most cases it is irrelevant but for the case I am concerned with it very much matters.


Is it possible to control which pair style is calculated first using
hybrid overlay? Is it in order of input, e.g. pair_style hybrid/overlay
coul/wolf 0.2 9.00 morse 9.00
Where the coulombs would be calculated first and then morse second?

​it should be computed in order of definition. but note, that the reverse
communication, which collects per-atom information from ghost atoms and
adds them to the corresponding atoms where they are local, will only happen
after all sub-styles are computed (and stress fix F dot r, if this is

I realize in most cases it is irrelevant but for the case I am concerned
with it very much matters.

​please explain how this would matter.​ this sounds like may be doing
something that has a conceptual problem.
