Parallel + Windows 7 + Core 2 Duo Cpu ?

Thanks Dr. Phelan

Let me explain what happened after I followed your instructions.
I installed mpich2-1.3.1-win-ia32.msi.
I made a folder named "local" in C: directory and put executable files and
lmp_win_mpi in it.
then I opened cmd and entered these scripts:

@echo off
set MPIEXEC="C:\Program Files (x86)\MPICH2\bin\mpiexec.exe"
set LAMMPSEXE=C:\local\bin\lmp_win_mpi.exe
set N=%1
set INFILE=%2
set LOGFILE=%3
MPIEXEC -n %1 -noprompt LAMMPSEXE -in %2 -log %3 -var RANDSEED RANDOM

When I pressed enter the following came up:

Error: must specify a number greater than 0 after the -n option
Unable to parse the mpiexec command arguments.

So I changed the last command to

MPIEXEC -n 1 -noprompt LAMMPSEXE -in %2 -log %3 -var RANDSEED RANDOM

i.e. I omitted the percentage symbol before 1.
This time this error came up:

Credentials required to connect to the process manager on REZA-PC. Please
use "mpiexec -register" or " mpiexec -logon ..." to provide user credentials.
Aborting: Unable to connect to Reza-PC

So the last thing I did was to enter either scripts as I was recommended by
cmd i.e. mpiexec -register or mpiexec -logon
but for both of them an error window appeared:

The program can't start because MSVCR80.dll is missing from your computer.
Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.

I reinstalled mpich2-1.3.1-win-ia32.msi but it didn't work the problem out.
At this point what should I do?

Thank You