Problem in NPT calculation of methane hydrate structure

Dear all,

I am trying to simulate methane hydrate cage structure in lammps using NPT methods.
But I am facing problem with pressures. I am not getting stabilized pressure with
minimum fluctuation with in tolerance limit.
Please help me in this regard. I have pasted my input file. thanks in advance.

Thanks and regards,




units real
boundary p p p

atom_style full
bond_style harmonic
angle_style harmonic
pair_style lj/cut 10.0
pair_modify mix arithmetic
#kspace_style pppm/tip4p 1.0e-6

read_data A512str333final1.txt

pair_coeff 1 1 0.13389 3.166
pair_coeff 1 2 0.01716 2.61
pair_coeff 3 3 0.42566 3.35
pair_coeff 1 3 0.11767 3.258
bond_coeff 1 15.3299 0.9572
bond_coeff 2 4.97 0.9572
angle_coeff 1 0.0 109.52
angle_coeff 2 0.0 104.52

neighbor 2.0 bin
neigh_modify delay 0 every 1 check yes page 10000 one 1000

thermo 10
thermo_modify flush yes
minimize 1.0e-5 1.0e-7 1000 10000

dump 1 all atom 1000 dump.lammpstrj
dump_modify 1 flush yes
log run1.txt


equilibration: NPT


#unfix 2
fix 2 all npt temp 290.0 290.0 100.0 iso 30.0 30.0 5000 drag 10.0
timestep 1
run 50000


dump atom positions for visualization, e.g. using VMD


#timestep 1
#run 100000

Dear all,

I am trying to simulate methane hydrate cage structure in lammps using NPT
But I am facing problem with pressures. I am not getting stabilized
pressure with
minimum fluctuation with in tolerance limit.

you simulation is *very* short and it seems odd
that you use an lj/cut pair style (i.e. without any charges)
when you should have some water in your system.

there are *many* ways to mess up an MD simulation
and it is not only the plain input file parameters that
determine success or failure. often the overall choice
of model and initial configuration is as important.
