problem with delete bonds / MPI

Hi. I am using the April 20th 2012 version of LAMMPS and having difficulty with the delete_bonds command. I have an initial data file with 5 atom types, 252750 atoms, and 252679 bonds. 68 of the atoms have type 1; I delete them and their associated bonds using the command sequence

group todel type 1
delete_bonds todel bond 1 any remove
group todel type 1
delete_atoms group todel

I then run a script for PPA analysis; the script is attached (PPAscript.goodinserialbadinparallel). In serial this generates output

PPAscript.goodinserialbadinparallel (1.37 KB)

hi rob,

what happens, if you put a

run 0

right before deleting the bonds?

also, can you try ramping up the
value for

communicate cutoff

to make sure that bonded atoms
are properly communicated in case
of having a short non-bonded cutoff.

if the problem persist, it would probably
be best to try and come up with a minimal
test system and post all necessary files
in order to do some proper debugging.


Hi, Axel. The communicate cutoff worked, and the 'run 0' was not
necessary... after adding a communicate command right before deleting the
bonds so the relevant part of the script now reads

read_data data.chain.Rob
communicate single cutoff 1.5
group todel type 1
delete_bonds todel bond 1 any remove
group todel type 1
delete_atoms group todel,

it now runs fine in parallel, and this was not a bug :slight_smile:
