problem with no. of processors

Dear Shantanu Maheshwari Do you run your program on Windows or Linux?
If you run it on windows, tell me how to run it with multiprocessor?
Thank you.

Dear Shantanu Maheshwari
Do you run your program on Windows or Linux?
If you run it on windows, tell me how to run it with multiprocessor?

you have to use a lammps binary that was compiled with (real) MPI support,
install the corresponding MPI package and then use:
mpirun -np 4 lmp_<myversion> -in in.test

i/o redirection on windows can be a tricky thing and should
generally avoided for parallel programs (not only on windows).
this is why lammps has the -in flag. the i/o redirection is
a relict from the fortran days, where there was no portable
way to parse command line arguments.
