I have run into trouble with the LAMMPS windows executable. When doing a simple calculation of energy as a function of lattice parameter, my results differ significantly from the result from a Linux version. With small changes in lattice parameter, I get a large fluctuation in energy (see below):
Lattice Potential Eng. Box Length
3.46 -6082.514327 24.22
3.47 -6012.025551 24.29
3.48 -6095.449002 24.35999999
3.49 -6021.19394 24.42999999
3.5 -6102.997554 24.49999999
These spikes in energy do not appear when running on Linux. And, they are accompanied with a deviation in shear stress:
Press Volume PotEng Pxx Pyy Pzz Pxy Pxz Pyz Lx Ly Lz
102095.85 14207.655 -6082.5143 102095.85 102095.85 102095.85 -4.3350925e-011 -1.3113132e-011 -3.7827262e-011 24.22 24.22 24.22
76320.432 14331.2 -6012.0256 77526.832 76733.11 74701.354 3722.7466 2766.1006 1601.5653 24.29 24.29 24.29
65534.737 14455.458 -6095.449 65534.737 65534.737 65534.737 -4.3005358e-012 -1.5274444e-011 -1.3699379e-011 24.36 24.36 24.36
I have been able to reproduce this issue with different versions of Windows executables from the LAMMPS website (May 2011 and the most recent), and ones that I compiled myself (July 2009 and 10 April 2012). This occurs regardless which Ni EAM potential I use and whether I am on Windows XP or 7. The offending input file is appended below. This script is being used for a atomistic modeling course, which is taught in a Windows computer lab.
Do you what could be causing this, or recommend changes to this input file to avoid it?
variable ncells index 7
variable a0 index 3.52
variable del index 0.01
variable numrep index 30
units metal
boundary p p p
atom_style atomic
lattice fcc 1
region 1 block 0.0 \{ncells\} 0\.0 {ncells} 0.0 ${ncells}
create_box 1 1
create_atoms 1 box
mass 1 58.6934
pair_style eam/alloy
pair_coeff * * Ni.johnson.txt Ni
# Calculations for scaling box during loop
# a - Lattice parameter
# back - To scale back to 1
variable a equal "v_a0-v_numrep/2*v_del+(v_loopvar-1)*v_del"
variable back equal "1/v_a"
variable l equal lx
variable p equal pe
thermo_style custom step temp press vol pe etotal pxx pyy pzz pxy pxz pyz lx ly lz
# Loop through several lattice parameters
variable loopvar loop ${numrep}
label loop
displace_box all x scale $a y scale $a z scale a
run 0
print "\#OUTPUT\# {a} \{p\} {l}"
displace_box all x scale \{back\} y scale {back} z scale ${back}
next loopvar
jump in.strain.txt loop