Queries related to execute the LAMMPS software in Windows

This is to inform you that I have already downloaded the “LAMMPS Windows serial executable” version and after running the .exe file I open the “cmd” terminal followed by moving to the directory where I saved it. But when I type the command “lmp_win_no-mpi -in in.lj” then an ERROR is comes out which is
" Error on proc 0: Cannot open input script in in.lj lammps.cpp:239 ". This is my request you to please give me an exact solution so that I can solve the problem as early as possible.

  • with regards,

You need to make sure that the input script is accessible to the executable. Try putting both in the same folder where you’re trying to execute the program.


In the “cmd.exe” file I am trying to execute the every command which is mentioned in the LAMMPS manual but I always faced the error massage i.e. “the command is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file”. Please send me the packages which are needed to execute the commands of the LAMMPS manual. And please tell me how can I execute those commands in the input script( Is this a cmd.exe file?).

  • with regards,

There is no "every" command in LAMMPS.
Can you be more explicit about what line in your
input script is failing?

Also, that error message is not from LAMMPS, but
from your system. I suspect you are are not running
LAMMPS correctly under Windows.
