question about fix langevin

Dear all,
I met some questions about fix langevin when I used the nemd method to compute the thermal conductivity of a polymer system.I used the command:
fix hot hotatom langevin {tHot} {tHot} {tDamp} 698043 tally yes zero yes and fix cold coldatom langevin {tCold} {tCold} {tDamp} 698043 tally yes zero yes
to control the temperature at the two ends of the system,and used fix 1 all nve command to perform time integration to the whole system.
When i checked the output,i found a peculiar thing that thought f_hot+f_cold is not a constant,the total energy was conserved. And here i list some output informations:

Step c_temphigh c_templow Temp Press KinEng PotEng TotEng f_hot f_cold v_tdiff
0 298.85936 294.09574 221.89138 170.13883 4232.4014 -4581.1087 -348.70731 -0 -0 0
1000 340.79683 267.87193 221.39554 -70.535765 4222.9437 -4571.8651 -348.92142 -135.71943 116.02388 -81.982755
2000 315.14474 272.55546 223.06478 -250.81996 4254.783 -4603.5599 -348.77681 -159.34009 125.70528 -87.411916
3000 351.50841 248.06747 222.909 5.3265744 4251.8116 -4601.0364 -349.22481 -214.81823 166.30118 -90.976747
4000 351.1287 246.61775 222.32826 64.183234 4240.7345 -4589.4403 -348.7058 -230.24551 213.39552 -89.296911
5000 355.22314 246.3202 219.83776 -575.83652 4193.2301 -4541.8974 -348.66732 -226.39558 210.18953 -91.084328

I think just as what NVE ensemble means, the system did not exchange energy to the environment , so only the fix langevin command could affect the total energy of the system.But the total energy is not changed even thought the accumulative energy of f_cold not equals to f_hot. So how does the system manage to conserve it’s total energy? Are there any other ways to add or extract energy from the system?
Best regards,

Not sure what you are trying to do. The Langevin thermostat uses random #s. I don’t think
there is any reason that 2 such thermostats will add/subract the same amount of energy.

You may want to look at fix heat and fix exex. See examples of their use in examples/KAPPA
and examples/HEAT. For the former, 2 fix heat’s will setup a thermal gradient and conserve energy
with fix nve, for computaion of thermal conductivity.
