Question about the S-REBO2 potential

Dear all,
Thanks for your help. I have compiled the LAMMPS on my PC follow the advice of Axel which system is Ubuntu 15.04.
I want to use the Screened REBO2 potential for the MD. But I can not compile the interface between the LAMMPS-Atomistica. Could you give me some advice?

Dear all,
Thanks for your help. I have compiled the LAMMPS on my PC follow the advice of Axel which system is Ubuntu 15.04.
I want to use the Screened REBO2 potential for the MD.Please find at the website
But I can not compile the interface between the LAMMPS-Atomistica. Could you give me some advice?
After I read the README.LAMMPS of the Atomistica, there are some advice about the compilion the LAMMPS-Atomistica interface. But I can not understand the first rule. I want use the Makefile.gnu.
In the build_lammps directory copy one of the Makefile.* to Makefile and edit appropriately.
Where is the Makefile? in the directory of LAMMPS? and How to edit the Makefile.gnu?

Dear all,
   Thanks for your help. I have compiled the LAMMPS on my PC follow the
advice of Axel which system is Ubuntu 15.04.
   I want to use the Screened REBO2 potential for the MD.Please find at the
       But I can not compile the interface between the LAMMPS-Atomistica.
Could you give me some advice?
        After I read the README.LAMMPS of the Atomistica, there are some
advice about the compilion the LAMMPS-Atomistica interface. But I can not
understand the first rule. I want use the Makefile.gnu.
     In the build_lammps directory copy one of the Makefile.* to Makefile
and edit appropriately.
Where is the Makefile? in the directory of LAMMPS? and How to edit the

these are all questions you should ask the author of "atomistica" as
they are not LAMMPS problems.


Dear Axel,
Thanks. I will talk with the author of “Atomistica”.