questions about fix nvt command

Dear Lammps users

I equilibrated my system at 200 k, and then I used read_restart command to restart my simulation and gradually increase the system temperature to 1000 k. I used reaxc forcefiled to see whether there is chemical reaction between two molecules. In order to do that, I used command “fix 1 all nvt temp 165.78002 1000 10” in second simulation (I took 165.78002 from last log.file). However, I got this warning “Resetting global state of Fix 1 Style nvt from restart file info”. It seems that the state of the restart file is changed .The attachment are my equilibrium and dynamics inputs. My lammps version is 5 Oct 2015-ICMS. My questions are

(1)Please comment on whether this situation will affect my results of simulation according to my goal.

(2)If it effecst my results. How can I make this warning disappear and achieve my goal at same time?

Fan Li

input.docx (13.8 KB)

dynamics input in.coro-oh (1.46 KB)

The dynamics input seems unreadable. So I make another attachment.

Dynamics input coro-oh.docx (14.1 KB)

Dear Lammps users

I found that this warning just means that inconsistent fix commands are used for the same ID (1).

I just wonder whether the positions and the forces of the atom in the restart files will be change by the inconsistent fix command.

Fan Li

Dear Lammps users

I found that this warning just means that inconsistent fix commands are
used for the same ID (1).

​this is nonsense. it is not a warning​, but just informs you that the
state of the fix is read from the restart.

I just wonder whether the positions and the forces of the atom in the
restart files will be change by the inconsistent fix command.

​there is nothing inconsistent here. it is just happening what is supposed
to happen when you restart a fix using nose-hoover thermostat chains. those
fictitious degrees of freedom that represent the state of the thermostat
need to be read from the restart, so that the state of them is consistent
with the state of the system.

please have a more careful read of the documentation and also inform
yourself about the inner workings of nose-hoover thermostat chains.


Thanks a lot.

Fan Li