read additional information into lammps


Is there a way in lammps to read custom per-atom information into lammps and store it as a per-atom variable? Specifically I have a polycrystal with columns formatted so:

x y z grainID


Kristian Kuppart


Is there a way in lammps to read custom per-atom information into lammps and
store it as a per-atom variable? Specifically I have a polycrystal with

there are multiple options.

columns formatted so:

x y z grainID

you cannot read such a file directly (unless you play tricks with the
python interface), but you can easily convert it into a data file and
then use your grainID as molecule ID. molecule IDs are simply a per
atom info that has no impact on force computation, but can be used to
identify groups of atoms.

additional information can be added via fix property/atom, e.g. to add
a molecule ID field to an atom style that doesn't provide it.

for more details about data files, please see the documentation for
the read_data command.


Thank you for your answer, I will look into the molecule ID option.


There is also an atomfile style variable,

which will populate a variable with per-atom

info from a file, one or more times, depending on

how you use the variable.
