red hat

Can anyone tell me which version of Lammps will run under red hat 5.5 please?
Ted Smith

Can anyone tell me which version of Lammps will run under red hat 5.5 please?

did you have any problems? if yes, which problems and with which package?

the issue is less an issue of the underlying OS (mind you, redhat 5.5
is very, *very* old), but rather of the bundled C++ compiler (and
libraries required by some packages).
the default C++ compiler on red hat 5.5 is some GCC 3.x version, which
is *very* outdated in terms of C++ support.

most parts of LAMMPS will still compile fine with gcc 3.x but you
would do yourself a favor installing a newer compiler. i think gcc 4.8
or newer would be ok.
in case you are using the intel compilers, the situation is similar,
and installing a recent version is highly recommended.

the KOKKOS packate requires correctly working C++11 functionality,
which results in being compatible only to selected recent compilers.
