restart2data throws Invalid flag error on restart file, but twin data file is OK

Dear lammps users,

I created restart and data files at the end of a minimization run.
These are the last lines of the input file:
min_style cg # conjugate gradients minimization
minimize 0.0 1.0e-8 1000 100000 # minimize for 1000 steps
write_restart minimize.rst # write final restart binary file
write_data # write final data file

After the job is finishes, I try to "translate" minimize.rst:

$> restart2data minimize.rst
Reading restart file ...
ERROR: Invalid flag in header section of restart file 1835884876

An inspection of companion does not show anything wrong.
What's weirder, I can use file minimize.rst as input for subsequent
jobs If I use the latest version of lammps.(29 Jul 2014-ICMS).
However, using an older lammps version (2013-09-1) will exit with the
same error as the one I get with restart2data.

Is this an expected behavior?

Thanks in advance
Jose Borreguero

Dear lammps users,

I created restart and data files at the end of a minimization run.
These are the last lines of the input file:
min_style cg # conjugate gradients minimization
minimize 0.0 1.0e-8 1000 100000 # minimize for 1000 steps
write_restart minimize.rst # write final restart binary file
write_data # write final data file

After the job is finishes, I try to “translate” minimize.rst:

$> restart2data minimize.rst
Reading restart file …
ERROR: Invalid flag in header section of restart file 1835884876

An inspection of companion does not show anything wrong.
What’s weirder, I can use file minimize.rst as input for subsequent
jobs If I use the latest version of lammps.(29 Jul 2014-ICMS).
However, using an older lammps version (2013-09-1) will exit with the
same error as the one I get with restart2data.

Is this an expected behavior?

Yes. Restart2data is obsolete.

OK, thanks for the clarification.