screen print

Dear All,

During a job run in lammps, Is there a way to stop printing all the information for each run step on the computer screen?



Dear All,

During a job run in lammps, Is there a way to stop printing all the information for each run step on the computer screen?


You can use '>' command i.e. output to file in linux. (ex: lmp_exe -in

abc) It will output all screen data to file.

To be safe also use -log command line option to get the proper log file.

You can use '>' command i.e. output to file in linux. (ex: lmp_exe -in
>abc) It will output all screen data to file.

To be safe also use -log command line option to get the proper log file.

that doesn't turn it off, it just redirects it elsewhere.

both screen and logfile output can be set to "none"
and thus completely turned off. a lot of the periodic
output also depends on the corresponding settings
in the input.

however, since the original poster was asking a
very ill formulated question (to which "yes" is the
correct answer) and not providing any details,
it is difficult to give a recommendation beyond this.

answer can only be a good as the question
and guessing what somebody "meant to ask"
is always difficult.


Dear Lammps Devolopers and Users,
Thanks for your help, and your precious time, i learned a lot from you and
i really appreciate that.i am sorry if the question was not well shaped, i
just didnt know how to ask properly. i will be more careful.


you are right, the question is incomplete and might have different answers
depending on the proper reason.

I should have been careful in answering without *assuming* anything,
leading to if not helping to get bad results.
Aysun, I think as Axel said you need to look into your input script. And
try to formulate the question *completely* rather than properly.
