Should one use C or C++ MPI bindings?

Is there a preference in LAMMPS for using the C++ or the C MPI bindings
when writing new features?

For example,
   world.Bcast ( &n, 10, MPI::INT, 0 ); /* C++ bindings */
   MPI_Bcast ( &n, 10, MPI_INT, 0, world ); /* C bindings */

I typically see the C bindings in the source code, but I thought I'd ask
if for no other reason than to have the official preference posted in the
mailing list archives.

Karl D. Hammond
[email protected]...
[email protected]...

Is there a preference in LAMMPS for using the C++ or the C MPI bindings
when writing new features?

you should definitely use the C bindings.
