simulation of magnetic dipoles

Dear LAMMPS users,

We want to study the aggregation of magnetic dipolar particles in a medium such as water. We can use fix efield command to apply the external electric field (E). But there is no such command for the magnetic field (M). Since the dipole-field interaction has the same functional form for both electric and magnetic system, we are using the efield command to apply the magnetic field. But if we include molecules like water, which have the charge and an electric dipole, then E cannot be replaced by M as the charge-field interaction is different in such cases. So, we want to know if there is any subroutine to apply the external magnetic field



Dear LAMMPS users,

We want to study the aggregation of magnetic dipolar particles in a medium
such as water. We can use fix efield command to apply the external electric
field (E). But there is no such command for the magnetic field (M). Since
the dipole-field interaction has the same functional form for both electric
and magnetic system, we are using the efield command to apply the magnetic
field. But if we include molecules like water, which have the charge and an
electric dipole, then E cannot be replaced by M as the charge-field
interaction is different in such cases.

So, we want to know if there is any subroutine to apply the external
magnetic field

​no. there is not.


We plan to release a fix bfield command in the
next few weeks, with suitable definitions
of magnetic units added to the code.
