Simulation of rolling process of polycrystalline Fe at room temperature

Dear lammps developer,
Recently, I wanted to do a simulation of the rolling process of polycrystalline Fe at room temperature, but I still couldn’t solve the problem that the atomic system temperature is more than 100000 k after I wrote the in file,The contents of the in file of my rolling process simulation are as follows:
variable a equal 1.0 ##定义原子模型截断半径
variable T_start equal 300
variable T_end equal 300
units metal
atom_style atomic
boundary s p s
neighbor ${a} bin
neigh_modify delay 0 every 1 check yes



region rollera cylinder y 140.04 -69.016 69.984 EDGE EDGE units box
region rollerb cylinder y 140.04 62.996 14.004 EDGE EDGE units box
region rollerc cylinder y 349.992 61.484 14.004 EDGE EDGE units box
region rollerd cylinder y 349.992 -67.504 69.984 EDGE EDGE units box
region gongjian block 0 100 0 66.7 0 50 units box
group rollera region rollera
group rollerb region rollerb
group rollerc region rollerc
group rollerd region rollerd
group gongjian region gongjian

pair_style hybrid eam/fs morse 4.5
pair_coeff * * eam/fs Fe_Earth_core.eam.fs Fe NULL
pair_coeff 1 2 morse 0.72140 1.59380 2.49010 4.0
pair_coeff 2 2 morse 0.38540 1.27180 2.81780 4.0

#fix rollera rollera setforce 0.0 0.0 0.0
#fix rollerb rollerb setforce 0.0 0.0 0.0
#fix rollerc rollerc setforce 0.0 0.0 0.0
#fix rollerd rollerd setforce 0.0 0.0 0.0

compute myTemp gongjian temp/partial 0 0 1 # 在计算温度的时候不考虑x轴,y轴的速度
#compute myTemp gongjian temp/com

thermo 100
thermo_style custom step lx ly lz press pxx pyy pzz pe c_myTemp temp vol dt time
dump 1 all custom 200 id type x y z
##thermo_modify temp myTemp

fix 2 all nvt temp {T_start} {T_end} 0.05
fix_modify 2 temp myTemp # 将控温对象改为temp2

#fix rollera rollera setforce 0.0 0.0 0.0
#fix rollerb rollerb setforce 0.0 0.0 0.0
#fix rollerc rollerc setforce 0.0 0.0 0.0
#fix rollerd rollerd setforce 0.0 0.0 0.0

velocity rollera set 0.0 0.0 0.0
velocity rollerb set 0.0 0.0 0.0
velocity rollerc set 0.0 0.0 0.0
velocity rollerd set 0.0 0.0 0.0

fix 3 rollera move rotate 140.04 0.0 -69.016 0 1 0 1 units box
fix 4 rollerb move rotate 140.04 0.0 62.996 0 -1 0 1 units box
fix 5 rollerc move rotate 349.992 0.0 61.484 0 -1 0 1 units box
fix 6 rollerd move rotate 349.992 0.0 -67.504 0 1 0 1 units box
##fix 7 gongjian move linear 6.0 0 0 units box
velocity gongjian set 6.0 NULL NULL sum yes units box

timestep 0.002
run 50000

I still don’t know how to solve this problem?
Xue bao shuai

Hi Xue,

A large temperature could be consequence of several issues, and it is difficult to help you without your data file. On the top of my mind, some of the most probable causes are :
_ the timestep is too large (I am no expert of eam potential but 2 fs seems like a large value)
_ initial overlap between your atoms causing crazy acceleration (you can make sure of this one by looking at your trajectory with VMD)
_ the potential is wrong (I would double check all the values)
_ the dynamics is wrong (for example using two fixes that update the atom position, but in your case this is not the issue)

Best luck,

Btw you should post your LAMMPS questions here : LAMMPS - Materials Science Community Discourse