spring/pull question

Dear users,
i am trying to use the spring/pull instruction to pull a rigid group of grains through a spring.
My lammps version has been compiled from the git version of lammps-icms updated to today 17.11.2014.
It does not work, unfortunately. I attach input and output.
I will be grateful for any hint.
Kind regards

in.pour (1.73 KB)

log.lammps (42.6 KB)

Dear users,
i am trying to use the spring/pull instruction to pull a rigid group of
grains through a spring.
My lammps version has been compiled from the git version of lammps-icms
updated to today 17.11.2014.
It does not work, unfortunately. I attach input and output.
I will be grateful for any hint.

the topic of lost atoms has been discussed many many times on this
list. you may have too large a force constant, for example.


Thank you Axel,

I did not consider to look for the lost atoms problem, I am going for it.

