strange issue for fix ave/correlate


Perhaps a stupid question:

fix correlate all ave/correlate 10 100000 1000000 qx qy qz type auto file corr.dat

If I change the above to

fix correlate all ave/correlate 10 200000 1000000 qx qy qz type auto file corr.dat


fix correlate all ave/correlate 100 100000 1000000 qx qy qz type auto file corr.dat

The program stops with the following message:

ERROR: Illegal fix ave/correlate command




Perhaps a stupid question:

fix correlate all ave/correlate 10 100000 1000000 qx qy qz type
auto file corr.dat

If I change the above to

fix correlate all ave/correlate 10 200000 1000000 qx qy qz type
auto file corr.dat

this violates the Nfreq >= (Nrepeat-1)*Nevery constraint.


fix correlate all ave/correlate 100 100000 1000000 qx qy qz type
auto file corr.dat

same thing.

for details, see the documentation.
