stress-strain/contact area

Dear LAMMPS users,

How can one able to obtain contact area of the spherical indent so as to determine stress-strain relation from the load-displacement curve?



Dear LAMMPS users,

How can one able to obtain contact area of the spherical indent so as to
determine stress-strain relation from the load-displacement curve?

first of all, please note, that you are asking for a property that is
not so well defined at the atomic scale.
what is the volume/radius of an individual atom? how do you define the
surface of the indenter?
a small change in the assumed effective radius can have a significant
impact on what you'd call contact area.

i can imagine different approaches. e.g. computing a cutting plane
from the density distribution of the (unindented) surface and looking
at the intersection with the indenter. or doing some kind of
tesselation of the indented area (there are various tools that can
compute approximations surfaces for atomic scale objects based on
probe radii).
