Suppressing output from minimize class

Dear all,

I was working on a basin-hopping command-style for LAMMPS, and it seems to work. I still need to do some optimising on the MC “intelligence”, but the idea works and produces reasonable minima for a few test cases.

The basic algorithm can be decomposed into two LAMMPS commands, minimize and displace_atoms, so I just made a new class that has these two as members. The plus-side is that this makes for less programming work, but the downside is that your screen tends to get filled with output from each minimization that gets done after a displacement step.

Therefore my question: Is there a way to suppress the output from the Minimize class without doing something hacky like changing the screen pointer or something unmaintainable like copy-pasting all minimization code from minimize into my class?

Thanks in advance,


All the minimization stats are triggered by the screen option within finish.cpp. Looks to me there is no way from looking into the source to shut that off without dealing with the screen pointer.

All the minimization stats are triggered by the screen option within
finish.cpp. Looks to me there is no way from looking into the source to shut
that off without dealing with the screen pointer.

...and i would not call it overly hacky, if you store a copy of the
pointer before setting it to NULL while you do your manipulations and
then restoring it when the control goes back to the calling code.
