Tallying virial without thermo output

Hello all,

I am using an input script that contains stress/atom computes that are then used by other computes and variables. These calculations have to be performed every timestep.

As a result, I have to place one of the aforementioned computes/variables in the thermo output and make sure that thermo information is output every timestep, otherwise I will get the Per-atom virial was not tallied on needed timestep error.

This is inconvenient since I would like to use the thermo output for monitoring my simulations during runtime, and having it refresh every timestep is really disorienting. The question would then be: Is it possible to force the tallying of per-atom virial at every timestep without explicitly invoking it in the thermo output (or any other time of output for that matter) at every timestep?

Thank you

Yes, of course. You just need some “consumer” that requires the data in every step. This could be for example fix ave/time or fix ave/atom or fix store/state and so on.