.The atom of output results are not moving ,Total of neighbors=0

Hello,I m a LAMMPS beginner, I encountered some issues during my first simulation:

  1. Total of neighbors=0
    Total # of neighbors = 0
    Ave neighs/atom = 0
    Neighbor list builds = 2647
    Dangerous builds = 1993
    Total wall time: 0:02:13
  2. The atom of output results are not moving in OVITO visualization after running the simulation.
    Here is my LAMMPS input file:
    units real
    dimension 3
    boundary p p p
    atom_style atomic

lattice fcc 3.5149
region box1 block 0 15 0 15 0 15
create_box 5 box1
create_atoms 1 random 1000 12345 box1

set type 1 type/ratio 2 0.2 14
set type 1 type/ratio 3 0.25 14
set type 1 type/ratio 4 0.41667 14
set type 1 type/ratio 5 0.625 14

mass 1 55.845
mass 2 51.996
mass 3 58.693
mass 4 58.933194
mass 5 26.9815

pair_style eam/alloy
pair_coeff * * FeNiCrCoAl-heaweight.setfl Fe Cr Ni Co Al

timestep 0.001
velocity all create 300 14
fix 1 all npt temp 300 300 0.1 iso 0 0 0.1
thermo 1000
thermo_style custom step lx ly lz press pxx pyy pzz pe temp
dump 1 all custom 1000 FeNiCrCoAl.xyz type x y z

run 30000

Most likely your unit system should be metal and not real. The vast majority of EAM files are parametrized for metal units. Please check if it is also the case for you.

Otherwise the timestep is too low and your simulation runs for only 30 fs - too short to observe anything.

HTH, Evangelos

Thanks a lot :heart: