The complete file

Dear Sir,
The error is this:-


This is the complete file:-

units real
dimension 3
boundary p p p
atom_style full
#-----Atom definition-----
lattice sc 5
region whole block 0 10 0 10 0 10
create_box 1 whole
read_data cyclo5ol.txt add append
create_atom 0 box mol cyclopentanol
delete_atoms overlap “rc”
#-----Force Fields-----
pair_style lj/cut/coul/long 15.0 15.0
pair_modify tail yes
bond_style harmonic
angle_style harmonic
kspace_style pppm 1.0e-4


1 0.066 3.5000000

2 0.066 3.5000000

3 0.066 3.5000000

4 0.066 3.5000000

5 0.066 3.5000000

6 0.170 3.1200000

7 0.030 2.5000000

8 0.030 2.5000000

9 0.030 2.5000000

10 0.030 2.5000000

11 0.030 2.5000000

12 0.030 2.5000000

13 0.030 2.5000000

14 0.030 2.5000000

15 0.030 2.5000000

16 0.000 0.0000000


1 268.0000 1.5290

2 268.0000 1.5290

3 268.0000 1.5290

4 268.0000 1.5290

5 320.0000 1.4100

6 340.0000 1.0900

7 340.0000 1.0900

8 340.0000 1.0900

9 340.0000 1.0900

10 340.0000 1.0900

11 340.0000 1.0900

12 340.0000 1.0900

13 340.0000 1.0900

14 340.0000 1.0900

15 553.0000 0.9450

16 268.0000 1.5290


1 58.350 112.700

2 58.350 112.700

3 58.350 112.700

4 50.000 109.500

5 37.500 110.700

6 37.500 110.700

7 37.500 110.700

8 37.500 110.700

9 37.500 110.700

10 37.500 110.700

11 37.500 110.700

12 37.500 110.700

13 37.500 110.700

14 55.000 108.500

15 50.000 109.500

16 37.500 110.700

17 37.500 110.700

18 33.000 107.800

19 33.000 107.800

20 37.500 110.700

21 37.500 110.700

22 58.350 112.700

23 33.000 107.800

24 37.500 110.700

25 37.500 110.700

26 35.000 109.500

27 37.500 110.700

28 37.500 110.700

29 33.000 107.800

30 58.350 112.700

31 37.500 110.700

neighbor 2.0 bin 464563 units box

neigh_modify every 1 delay 10 check yes
mass 1 12.0107
mass 2 12.0107
mass 3 12.0107
mass 4 12.0107
mass 5 12.0107
mass 6 15.999
mass 7 1.008
mass 8 1.008
mass 9 1.008
mass 10 1.008
mass 11 1.008
mass 12 1.008
mass 13 1.008
mass 14 1.008
mass 15 1.008
mass 15 1.008

#-----Define setting-----
compute eng all pe/atom
compute eatoms all reduce sum c_eng
reset_timestep 0
group cyclopentanol type 1 2
fix mynpt cyclopentanol npt/asphere temp 300.0 300.0 100 tri 1.0 1.0 1000 mtk yes tloop 10.0 ploop 10.0
velocity all create 300.0 13430
run 0
velocity all scale 300.0
thermo 1
thermo_style custom step temp pe ke etotal press
min_style cg
minimize 1e-25 1e-25 2000000 2000000
variable PotentialEnergy equal epair
timestep 1.0
print “System is equilibiriated”
dump mf1 all molfile 100 cyclopentanol-.pdb pdb .:/Desktop
dump mf2 all molfile 100 cyclopentanol-
.cfg cfg. :/Desktop
#-----RDF calculation-----
rerun cpmecyclopentanol-.cfg
special_bond coul 1e-50 1e-50 1e-50
compute 13 all rdf 150 cutoff 15
fix 07 all ave/time 100 10 1000 c_myRDF[
] file tmp.rdf mode vector
print “The end is near . . .”

Best Regards,

Dear Sir,
The error is this:-

This is the complete file:-

units real
dimension 3
boundary p p p
atom_style full
#-----Atom definition-----
lattice sc 5
region whole block 0 10 0 10 0 10
create_box 1 whole

here you create a box and reserve space for 1 atom type and no bond types and no angle types and no dihedral types and no improper types.

read_data cyclo5ol.txt add append

and now you try to add a data file there requires more atom types (but you don’t get an error on that (yet) because your data file has the atom types setting in the first line), bonds, angles, and dihedrals.

this cannot work.
