The format or example of ttm.mat file about alloy material parameters

Dear friend:
In the lammps,i choose the fix atc commond an my tool to simulate the molecular dynamics-two temperature model , I want to do the Heat transport analysis for femtosecond laser ablation with molecular dynamics-two temperature model method .However,I can not figure out the material parameter about the " ttm.mat "file ,the material I used is the alloy of CrNiFe.Here exists two questions below:
1.the example of Cu_ttm.mat doesnot equal the alloy,and i cannot find the fomat and example of alloy,can you share one example of alloy for me and explain it to me ?
2. if the material parameters in .mat file between the commond of fix ttm and fix atc are the same or different?

Looking forward to your return,
From Tingting Cao,Harbin Institude of Technology

That’s a Q for the folks who wrote the ATC package. I suggest

you email them directly. See the src/USER-ATC/README file.

There is no guarantee that the TTM options for ATC match

those of the fix ttm command. They were developed independently.


Thanks very much ! I Will try to contact them soon!