the problem of VMD connect with cluster (fix imd)

Dear lammps-users,

I have a problem of the connection of VMD and LAMMPS (the command of fix imd)

For the VMD is installed in a PC(windows XP), and the LAMMPS is installed in a 16 cores’ cluster

Usually, I use PUTTY to connect the PC with the cluster (need to input the users name and password)

IF I want to use the command of fix imd, How to connect VMD directly with LAMMPS?

Thanks so much for your great help!

Best wish!



GREMI -Université d’Orléans

14, rue d’Issoudun

BP6744 F-45067 ORLEANS Cedex2


Dear lammps-users,****

** **

I have a problem of the connection of VMD and LAMMPS (the command of fix

** **

For the VMD is installed in a PC(windows XP), and the LAMMPS is installed
in a 16 cores’ cluster****

** **

Usually, I use PUTTY to connect the PC with the cluster (need to input the
users name and password)****

** **

IF I want to use the command of fix imd, How to connect VMD directly with

the procedure is explained in great detail in the documentation of the fix
imd command.



Thanks so much ! I find the solution to this problem, it work all right now !

