To delete some angles via topotools


I did make a model that consists of a box (SPC/E water molecules inside a two carbon atom walls ) connected to a carbon atom pore. I used the “topotools” to convert my PDB data to LAMMPS and also I have used the “topo guessangles” command to show the angles. Please take a look at the data file obtained by topotools which added in the end of this email. I just want to consider H-O-H angles and neglect the C-C-C angles.

Could anybody tell me how to delete some angles through topotools?

Here is a part of my data file obtained by topotools

LAMMPS data file. CGCMM style. atom_style full generated by VMD/TopoTools v1.2 on Tue Jan 27 11:10:34 KST 2015
3372 atoms
4467 bonds
28243 angles
0 dihedrals
0 impropers
3 atom types
1 bond types
2 angle types
0 dihedral types
0 improper types
0.065500 30.065500 xlo xhi
0.000000 0.000000 ylo yhi
0.000000 0.000000 zlo zhi

Pair Coeffs

this is a VMD question. please post it to the VMD mailing list, where
it belongs. thanks.

LAMMPS data files are simple text files. You an use a text editor to
extract the Angles section. (Or use "").

Then throw away lines if the angle-type (2nd column) is not the type
you want. (You can do that in many ways, for example using awk or a
spreadsheet program, or your own script. The example below uses awk.)

Finally update the number of angles in the header at the top of the data file.

############# EXAMPLE #############
# You can cut and paste this text into a (bash) terminal.
# Suppose your old data file is named "".
# I assume you want to delete angles of type 1.
# (If not change "1" to "2" in the awk command below.) Angles < > old_angles.txt
awk '{if ($2!=1) print $0}' < old_angles.txt > new_angles.txt -n Angles < >
echo "" >>
echo "Angles" >>
echo "" >>
cat new_angles.txt >>

# Almost done...
# Count the number of remaining angles. (One way is using
# "wc" to count the number of lines in the "new_angles.txt" file):

NUM_ANGLES=`wc -l new_angles.txt`

# ...and replace the line at the beginning with the correct angle count:

awk -v num_angles=$NUM_ANGLES \
  '{if ((NF==2) && ($2=="angles"))
     print num_angles" angles";
     print $0;}' < >

docs_extract_lammps_data.txt (2.04 KB) (4.25 KB)

LAMMPS data files are simple text files. You an use a text editor to
extract the Angles section. (Or use "").



Awk, grep, sed, cut, paste, wc...
...all useful things to know

even simpler would be to read the topotools documentation and create
the topology right as needed. most topotools commands can be
restricted to a subset of atoms. but as i mentioned before, this is a
topic i am willing to discuss on the VMD mailing list, where it


Minor correction and explanation: to follow

LAMMPS data files are simple text files. You an use a text editor to
extract the Angles section. (Or use "").

Then throw away lines if the angle-type (2nd column) is not the type
you want. (You can do that in many ways, for example using awk or a
spreadsheet program, or your own script. The example below uses awk.)

Finally update the number of angles in the header at the top of the data file.

############# EXAMPLE #############
# You can cut and paste this text into a (bash) terminal.
# Suppose your old data file is named "".
# I assume you want to delete angles of type 1.
# (If not change "1" to "2" in the awk command below.) Angles < > old_angles.txt
awk '{if ($2!=1) print $0}' < old_angles.txt > new_angles.txt -n Angles < >

The lines above, extracted the "Angles" section of the data file, and
saved it as a seperate file ("new_angles.txt"). The remaining text is
saved in a temporary file ("").

We need to put the "Angles" section back in the "". It
does not matter where we put it as long as we preceed it with 3 lines:
(blank line)
(blank line)

echo "" >>
echo "Angles" >>
echo "" >> (oops WRONG)

sorry, that should have been

echo "" >>

Then we append new list of angles to the end of "":

cat new_angles.txt >>

# Almost done...
# Count the number of remaining angles. (One way is using
# "wc" to count the number of lines in the "new_angles.txt" file):

NUM_ANGLES=`wc -l new_angles.txt`

# ...and replace the line at the beginning with the correct angle count:

awk -v num_angles=$NUM_ANGLES \
  '{if ((NF==2) && ($2=="angles"))
     print num_angles" angles";
     print $0;}' < >


I did not test all of this, but I think it works.
Hopefully, you get the idea.

Awk, grep, sed, cut, paste, wc...
...all useful things to know
