ttm grids temperature

Dear lammpas user,


The initial electronic temperature input file, T_infile, is a text file LAMMPS reads in with no header and with four numeric columns (ix,iy,iz,Temp)

0 0 0 1.0
0 0 1 1.0
0 0 2 1.0
0 1 0 2.0
0 1 1 2.0
0 1 2 2.0 

can write as follow,in my input script file,I want to run at room temperature.
0 0  0 300.0
0 1  0 300.0
0 2  0 300.0
0 3  0 300.0
0 4  0 300.0
0 5  0 300.0
0 6  0 300.0
0 7  0 300.0

If at more than room temperature 

0 0  0 1200.0
0 1  0 1100.0
0 2  0 1000.0
0 3  0 900.0
0 4  0 800.0
0 5  0 700.0
0 6  0 600.0
0 7  0 300.0

I want clear information about this

It isn’t clear to me what your question is, but I’d say after looking at your input that it seems reasonable as a temperature profile for a slab-geometry electronic subsystem.
