TTM/mod questions

Hi everyone,

I am using TTM/mod to simulate laser heating in ablation simulations. There are three questions regarding to the following equation:
Where can I set xsurface? It should be the plane where laser incident the material surface. In init_file or T_infile or in the command line?
Should it be exp(-(x-xsurface)/lskin) since exponential decay shoule be start at the incident plane?
The duration of the pulse is set by the parameter tau in the init_file. What kind of temporal profile it is? Is it a Gaussion? It is also not in the equation above.

Thanks for your time in my question.
Han Wu

Hi everyone,

I am using TTM/mod to simulate laser heating in ablation simulations.
There are three questions regarding to the following equation:
Where can I set xsurface? It should be the plane where laser incident the
material surface. In *init_file *or *T_infile *or in the command line?
Should it be exp(-(x-xsurface)/lskin) since exponential decay shoule be
start at the incident plane?
The duration of the pulse is set by the parameter *tau* in the *init_file.
*What kind of temporal profile it is? Is it a Gaussion? It is also not in
the equation above.

​please note, that fix ttm/mod is a user contributed fix in the USER-MISC
package. for such parts of LAMMPS it is usually best to contact the authors
directly (in addition to the mailing list), because they may not be
subscribers and thus not see your inquiry.

since you are asking very specific questions, it is not very likely that
one of the subscribers here can provide ​a competent answer. worst case,
you may have to figure it out through reading and analyzing the source code.
