please always reply to the mailing list and not only individual people.
also, please include complete files, best compressing them with gzip
to protect them from modifications through the mail program and to
keep them small.
and note that you are using fix ttm/mod and not fix ttm, which
requires to look a different source file for potential problems.
i cannot run and debug your input due to the incomplete T_elec.txt
file and thus not investigate what the problem is. as noted before, it
is most likely, that the problem already existed in your old version,
but didn't cause an abend. there are plenty of changes that we
included, so that LAMMPS *does* crash in such cases, and the solution
is to solve the real problem and not to make the crash go away. there
are rare cases, where legitimate code causes problems due to
overzealous "hardening" of the source, but to identify the cause and
to resolve it, requires being able to reproduce the issue while using
advanced debugging and memory management monitoring tools.